Investment Club

What is Investment Club all about?

Jacob Lyons ‘23, Staff Writer

During COVID, trading in the stock market became a popular hobby and sparked interest in many people. Investment Club provides a community for those students who may want to pursue a career in business and finance.

Investment Club takes place in the Murphy Alumni Room on the first and third Fridays of each month. The club offers a variety of discussions about different sectors such as energy, banking, pharmaceuticals, and more. Every meeting, we divide into our different sectors and dive into stocks in that sector, identifying their value and potential. The goal of the club, quoted by Mr. Hauser, is “to teach how money works in the real world and the fundamental basics of capital markets with an emphasis on stocks.”

Every other Friday, we start with an introductory article about what current events are affecting the stock market. All teams are assigned with real-world sectors and need to develop their research around those sectors. Each meeting, we come with new information on our current stocks or on new stocks that we have researched. While doing this, we want to broaden our sense of financial literacy while developing an understanding of finance and markets that will be useful in our daily lives as homeowners, fathers, investors, and consumers. 

However, the meeting’s change from time to time. Mr. Hauser, who has taken the role as the club’s moderator this year, is trying to get speakers to come in and talk about their real-world investment careers. Mr. Hauser also encourages anyone who is interested in pursuing a career in business and finance to come to the club. 

While interviewing Mr. Hauser, he mentioned how he really wants to take the club to the next level. He told me that he would like to see the club grow into an elective or even a math class. I think that this idea would be great as it would give even more variety to the math classes offered at BC High. It would also allow for more students to learn how to manage and earn money in their investments.

My personal take from the first two meetings is that the Investment Club is for those who truly wish to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the stock market as well as how to learn to manage and earn money in their investments. I also think that the structure of the club has and will continue to benefit it. Lastly, I hope that others and myself are able to further our own understanding of the stock market this year.