Behind the Commencement Speaker Selection Process

we will be saying final goodbyes to our beloved seniors

Conor Flaherty ‘24, Staff Writer

It is finally Spring at Boston College High School, and in due time we will be saying final goodbyes to our beloved seniors, who graduate on May 20th. Continuing last year’s tradition, the valedictorian will not speak at graduation. Instead, a carefully selected student will be proposed by a large group of teachers. All teachers vote on which student should speak. This system was implemented to ensure that the speaker will holistically represent the class, not just have the best grades. Speaking at graduation is an honor bestowed only upon the most emotionally intelligent and kind man of a class. This is seen generally as a positive change, as having good grades does not directly correlate toward being a good speaker. However, there may be some aspects of this selection process out of the students’ control—considering there is a group of faculty who must make the final decision, could there potentially be bias? Well yes, but it is safe to assume this board of faculty will make the right decision for the school. This change also gives a new opportunity to every student in the school. Many students now find themselves asking if they could be the next speaker. Could you see yourself filling this role someday?